6 Ways to 提高人际交往能力 While Pursuing 在线 School

2019年9月23日   |   一般

有效的沟通是至关重要的 在线学习, and it’s one of several soft skills appreciated in the workplace. Video chats and Internet access allow us to work remotely in certain careers. Additionally, mobile apps make online education accessible and convenient for working adult students. 虽然科技可以通过很多方式将我们联系在一起, it can also create detachment and our people skills may suffer.


A 1970s study by UCLA professor Albert Mehrabian found that 55% of people’s communication occurs through body language and 38% occurs through vocal tone, 音调和重音. It also concluded that only 7% of communication occurs through a person’s verbal content.1

尽管许多人对这项研究存在争议,2 what if body language and tone are more essential to communication that the words we speak or type? 这说明了什么 沟通技巧 today – especially we’re conversing on social media or through texting? How do we better connect with people both online and offline?


Consider the following suggestions to help keep your communication and people skills sharp while pursuing your online education:

  1. 积极倾听你周围的人.
    When engaging in face-to-face conversations, remove yourself from all distractions. 如果你带着手机,把它放在一边. Effective communication works better when you pay attention to the person speaking to you. 在线, if you are unsure of what the other person is saying, ask for clarification. You can even repeat or reiterate what the person said or typed to help ensure you’re understanding the information.
  2. 问一些有吸引力的问题,而不是谈论你自己.
    It’s in our nature to talk about ourselves and re搜索 suggests that this is because it makes us feel good.3 One way to better connect with others is to show interest. Ask questions about the other person instead of centering the conversation on you. For example, you might ask who the person’s hero is or what activities he or she enjoys.
  3. 注意你的语气或写作.
    Be aware of the pitch of voice or how a person might interpret your writing when engaging in a conversation. Stressing (or capitalizing) certain words more than others may make the person on the receiving end interpret what you’re saying as condesceding.4 还记得, inflection (or emphasis) matters and you don’t want to unintentionally come across as rude or arrogant.
  4. 用你的眼睛倾听,而不仅仅是你的耳朵(亲自).
    沟通不仅仅是说的话. When someone speaks to you, the facial expressions used can help to reveal what is being said. The context of a text message or an email can be confused when you only see the written words and don’t hear the sender’s voice or see his or her facial expressions.5 但是当你和某人面对面交谈时, you can hear the tone of the person’s voice and see his or her facial expressions.
  5. 注意非语言暗示(当面).
    Correctly identifying nonverbal cues can help you determine whether or not you want to redirect a conversation tor ask intentional questions to figure out what is not being said. 例如, a person who avoids eye contact during a conversation can indicate that he or she is lying. Or, the person may lack confidence about what is being discussed. Tapping one’s feet is another indication that the speaker lacks confidence in the subject discussed.6
    So, 如果你想在自己的领域有所进步, 或者在完成学业后从事新的职业, an awareness of these cues can help to build relationships and form trust among employees and managers.
  6. 在网上和“现实生活”中保持一致.”
    It’s reasonable to be cautious about what you post online. 然而,要忠于自己. Creating a facade could create unnecessary problems when someone who follows you online – or even reads your public posts – meets you in person. You don’t want to give off the wrong impression to a prospective employer or business connection. 当你诚实的时候, 真正的, 甚至是脆弱的, 你反映了你的真实身份, 信任可以在网上建立,也可以当面建立.6

倾听他人,表现出兴趣,有礼貌. Practice some of these skills and you may be surprised by how your communication improves online and in person!

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1. Mehrabian,. (1971). 无声留言(pp). 43). 贝尔蒙特,加利福尼亚:沃兹沃斯出版公司. 于2019年9月20日发布. http://www.使用.org/title/silent-messages/oclc/217063
2. NeuroData实验室. “专家说……难道沟通真的只有7%是口头的吗?? 真理与. 市场营销.“中等. 2018年11月16日出版. 于2019年9月2日发布. http://medium.com/@neurodatalab/experts-say-is-communication-really-only-7-verbal-truth-vs-marketing-9a8e7428fd0f
3. Boardman萨曼莎. “Why We Love Talking About Ourselves Simply put, self-disclosure is gratifying.《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》. 2017年3月7日发布. 于2019年9月2日发布. http://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/positive-prescription/201703/why-we-love-talking-about-ourselves
4. 老板,杰夫. 《成为一个更高效的人的5种方法.“企业家. 2015年7月22日出版. 于2019年9月2日发布. http://www.企业家.com/article/248652
5. Krampe J. 《如何说得好,听得更好》.“成功. 2017年8月30日发布. 于2019年9月2日发布. http://www.成功.com/how-to-speak-well-and-listen-better/
6. 大厅,约翰 . “10 Simple Ways To 提高人际交往能力 And Build Relationships.“福布斯. 2016年3月20日出版. 于2019年9月2日发布. http://www.《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》.com/sites/johnhall/2016/03/20/10-simple-ways-to-improve-your-people-skills-and-build-relationships/#2809ba78d518

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